Globalization, Technology, and the role of the states in the economic growth

Mohammed Riad Farrarh
6 min readNov 6, 2020

1. Globalization is a mechanism for people, companies and governments in various nations to connect and incorporate. This process is based on the investments and the international trade. The Globalization has many positive and negative impacts on organizations of Morocco. Talking about positive impacts we can say, Increase prospects for free trade between countries. which allows. Businesses in developed countries to invest in emerging and developing countries, as well as contact between countries became simpler due to globalization, knowledge exchange became possible. This has helped to improve the speed at which goods are shipped. And also, through globalization, countries will join forces to remove cultural barriers and make the world a global village. Globalization has helped countries rely on long-term benefits. Which brings us to the potential reduction in war between developing countries. As for the negative impacts, in case environmental protection regulations are less common in underdeveloped countries, other developed countries may produce environmentally harmful products. And also, in developing countries, the majority of big business tends to provide cheap labor in a skilled and unqualified group. (westfordadmin, 2016)

As for my opinion regarding for or against globalization, I am for globalization, because I think it offers more job opportunities and it connects all cultures around the globe, and it also make it easier to access products and services that are not available in other countries. In other words, Sharing people and societies thoughts, perspectives and lifestyles. Consumers may have foods and other items in their countries not previously available. And also, globalization makes it easier to share information for example of earthquakes or tsunamis, which other countries did not see coming. As it also offers many job opportunities, it offers to business cheap labor, that can be available and has many skills regarding the activity of the company or the organization, which brings the business to expand and to reach many other countries not only for cheap labor but to also expand their market share and offer their products to other countries. Which exposes them to more efficient markets, that need their products as much as other market do.

2. Today, the State has emerged in various ways as an active participant in the economic process. The laissez-faire ideology to burial. The government has now become increasingly involved in productive activity and is guiding the direction of economic activities through its monetary and fiscal policies. The allocation of goods and services in the market is therefore calculated. The growth cycle has extended to the developing world for a long time, but today underdeveloped countries have little time to wait and it is necessary to shorten their growth duration. The government has a significant part to play in the growth phase in this situation. These countries stagnated and strong action from the government is required in order to bring them into the road of prosperity. And According to the UN Study party, “Beside functions normally carried out by governments, they should conduct a broad borderland of functions, simply because they are relevant, but not adequately exercised by private efforts. This borderland can occur in any region, but in underdeveloped countries it is more wide-ranging, since private sector is more educated and more entrepreneurial than the latter. Which brings us to where planning is not just an intrusion but a required condition for economic growth in the undeveloped countries. Because the resources in underdeveloped countries are limited, the distribution of these sources to various projects and their use in such projects must be planned. (Suman, 2019)

Economics agree that growth and development are typically driven by four elements: human resources, physical capital, natural resources and technology. Governments focusing in these fields are heavily industrialized economies. Less developing countries could fall behind especially if they do not encourage technological development and boost the training and employment of their staff. they are also rich in natural resources.

Talking about human resources we say that, employee knowledge, recruitment and employment have an important influence on economic development. A well-trained and skilled workforce creates more and generates an efficiency-enhancing performance.

A lack of professional labor will dissuade economic development. An underused, unqualified and unaccounted workers can pull an economy and can result in increased unemployment.

Moving on to physical capital we find that, improvements and expanded physical infrastructure spending — including bridges, equipment and plants — would decrease costs and improve economic production performance. Modern and well-maintained plants and facilities are more efficient than manual labor. Improved efficiency contributes to increased demand. The amount of capital spending per job rises to render labor more competitive. Improving labor efficiency raises the economy’s development rate.

And as for Natural resources, natural resource quantities and supply influence the pace of economic development. Through that the productive potential of a country, the exploration of more natural resources such as oil and mineral reserves would improve the economy. Which bring us to say that the productivity of a county in the utilization of its natural resources depends on the expertise of its workers, equipment style and capital availability. Professional and trained staff will leverage this natural resource to boost economic development.

Moving on to technology which might be the most important of all, we find that technological advances have a major effect on economic development. If the research community learns further, administrators will use such technologies as more advanced production strategies.

The usage of new technologies would improve the efficiency with the same sum with labor and global development would advance at a lower rate.

Countries who understand the importance of the four global growth factors would have higher growth levels and better living conditions for their citizens. Technological advancement and further hiring would increase the economic efficiency of workers and would contribute to improved working standards for everyone. (Woodruff, 2019)

3. Technology is considered by some to be a determinant and for others it is considered as a choice. Knowing that technology exists in an environmental constraint, which is a dominant feature to all businesses. we find also that firms operate within certain technological imperatives, and it’s where they shape not only the products and the processes, they use during their production process but also the structure of the organization itself, and also relationships between people in the organization and also individual jobs satisfaction.

Galbraith (1972) Once a picture of markets has been painted in which those markets were dominated by technology rather than consumer choices.

Woodward (1965) who argued that technology not only established the structure of the enterprise, but also the connection and focus of each company between the different divisions.

Where Woodward saw technology as a determinant of both the structure and the possible strategic choices.

After this analysis we move to say that:

• Technology can well be a significant determinant of structure and habits of operating in smaller fields, but as businesses expand in scale, scale itself becomes more significant and more of a determinant influence.

• In the other hand, Henry Ford and designers who made the process work, as technology is considered to be a determining reality. It has been assumed that technology is not a market determinant. But this is a product manager prefer to Reply or respond to other impacts on the environment. This takes us to the point that the type of technologies used by businesses can be a strategic choice.

And ultimately, we can conclude that technology-business relationship is very complex. The interrelationship often includes certain variables such as scale, management decisions, the financial industrial relations available. (Needle, 2010)

Technology can also be used to gain competitive advantage, if it is used correctly, these are 5 of the best ways to use technology in favor of the business and gain competitive advantage out of it. First of all, the business or the organization should be Using IT workers to build a professional to engineering team, and also being accessible by getting a business website because it can be a strong selling point. Moving on to the third option we find digital marketing which can be a successful move that a business can make, and also Using teleconferencing and communication tools for workshops and teams and finally. to analyze performance of the business and see how it is actually running by taking a look at the statistics that show everything as it is. (Oyanna, 2018)

